Be Careful

Be careful of words

Words are everything

A love language

Affirming words

Words get you thinking



Words that don’t take flight

Empty words

Not real- dash a spirit

Words that meant nothing…

Wound a soul

Be careful of words

Angry words, cursing words

Your now

Your future

Depend on words

That bring life

Brush off

Ill spoken words

Right off your shoulder

Never let them stick

Speak your own words

Of life

Your dreams

Your hopes

Write the words you want

In your now

Your future

Be careful of words

Speak life

And joy

Hold your tongue

In silence

To not crush spirits

But only light up

Your soul

Speak words over

Your life

As if they’ve already happened

Be careful of words





Or can be… nothing

You choose

But know

And believe that

your words matter

Real or fake

So be careful of words








Author: JJ Taylor

Many have shared that I am the strongest woman they know. I would disagree... when life kicks you in the teeth there is only one place to look and that is UP! I will be sharing my poetry, random thoughts, my hopes, my dreams, defining my strength and my faith. I'm honest, raw and real. I'm writing more for me, but perhaps someone will find my words that will help you in a profound way

2 thoughts on “Be Careful”

  1. Absolutely loved this … words can make or break you. You chose what impact they make over your life. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. This is why we have to use them carefully. They can’t be taken back once said!

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